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Pixel watch acreen


Hello I've got my pixel watch on last Friday when I receive it had a dead pixel line in it . Woke up Saturday now is 2 lines in it . Tried to do the throbleshooting as resetting then updating it . Stayed on .

Went to the shop they couldn't help because I ordered it online .

Called the support they can't help because is not a phone .


All I want is to swap it to a working one . Someone help me please1000023198.jpg

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Balintfarkas    Where did you get it from ?    If it was from a EE store go back to that store as you have 12 days to  report a fault, if it was an online or phone sale customer services can help.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I've get it online from EE. Phone sales costumer only do phone or tablet . I was in the phone with them 2 times .

No it wasn't . I paid for it . Got it from online EE store . 

Order No: SO************


[Mod Edit: Removed order number from public post]

@Balintfarkas  Try calling again.    It’s a product with a contract so customer service can help. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Support Team

Good afternoon @Balintfarkas 

Thanks for reaching out to us about this.

Like @Chris_B mentioned, our technical support team are 100% able to help if you have a faulty watch that you purchased on contract. 

If you call us on 150 from your EE mobile, follow the options towards mobile support and watches come under the same category as phones, tablets and connected devices.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi Peter,

Based on the info provided by the OP it seems like this was a purchase from the EE Store (formerly BT Shop) and as such 150 aren't able to support as its not a connected product with a contract.

I believe an email needs to be sent to as they deal with these orders and purchases.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Matt_124, my assumption with the OP was that it was a connected watch, but as you mentioned EE Store purchases are a bit different. 

All the contact details for support with devices purchased outright through the EE Store can be found on our help pages here.
