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Cannot add TNT Sport as Free addon


I have been with EE for exactly one day and I am already about to pull what little hair I have out. Here is my story.

Signed up for FF 900Mb broadband. All going smoothly so far and installation date is Friday 19th Jan. Openreach have confirmed this. Router has been sent out. Now comes the good part.

Whilst browing MyEE I noticed the offer of discounted sims from £10. Had a good look around and like the look of the Full Works £48 with £20 discount and 3 addons. Bargain I thought. So I picked TNT Sports, Netflix & Apple Music. Got through to the checkout and on the final part it was giving an error, it was late evening so went to bed thinking I will try again in the morning. Got a phone call from CS the next day saying did I want to complete the deal by phone, which I did. Went through it all, sim was sent out and I received it today. Popped it in the phone and went to choose my 3 extras. TNT Sport was missing. So after reading online the next option was to try via text. So I text PICK to 150 and it gives me 4 options, ROAM NETFLIX APPLE MUSIC SPORT. Text SPORT and it comes back with confirmation email so I text YES and the it gives me the cannot add this error. So I call 150, explain what is going on. After about 20 mins on hold she comes back and says it cannot be done, thats it. No solution offered. Not very happy with this outcome, we ended the call and I was going to think about what to do. Then I get a text message saying as I no longer have broadband I no longer get a discount nor my 3 free addons. Now I am in blind panic that my broadband has been cancelled. Back on the phone to 150, and the SIM plan has been changed, so I lost the discount & free addons. I explained again what the problem was, on hold for another 20 mins, and the guy comes back with I have manually added the discount back on, but you cannot have TNT Sports its not offered anymore. This is rubbish as it is advertised on the website, so I tell him its on the website, but he insists I cannot have it. Now I cannot access anything in either MyEE nor the EE App. I cannot add another sim (I was told I was pre authorised for 3 sims) and literally everything I click on the website to do with my account gives me an error. Apparently because the first CS agent changed the plan it cannot be changed again so I am stuck with an expensive plan that isnt what I signed up for. No extras can be chosen via the website or the app although the second CS agent insists I can have 3 extras but not TNT Sports.

TNT/Discovery+ was the main pull for this deal and if I cannot get it, even though the website says I can, I may as well get a cheaper sim deal elsewhere. Is the a direct number to call to cancel this 1 day old sim without jumping through hoops?

Thanks for reading.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@darthvaper69  Your problem might be because you are not yet an EE BB customer that’s starts the 19th.  This is just a guess though as the offer for discounted sim is for BB customers 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I kind of thought that too, but both the sim & broadband are showing in myee, (the sim is active) and before the first CS agent started screwing around changing/cancelling plans everything was working fine other than the TNT Sport option was missing. In my mind this can only mean my account is now screwed up on EE's end by EE staff. Nobody seems to want to / can't do anything about it, so again in my mind, cancel the whole thing and try again seems to be the only solution.

On another note, I have just seen that 900Mb broadband is on offer at £42. Seeing as mine hasn't even been installed yet, what are the chances of EE giving me this price? i'll quite happily cancel and order again to save £16 a month if they wont! Maybe someone has done this before after ordering just before a price drop?

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

I believe we're encountering similar issues. I subscribed to EE TV and Broadband and also obtained a new SIM, expecting discounts as initially indicated. In the MyEE app and website, you can find the Broadband tab, but it's inaccessible. This is usually because your broadband hasn't been installed at your property yet, and the activation date hasn't been reached.

Ideally, EE should address this by manually linking any SIM cards you have. They should automatically apply the Converged Unlimited Data add-on to your account, irrespective of the status of your broadband activation. Additionally, any extra SIMs you possess should be eligible for the 30% Multi-line Discount, coupled with the 24-month £5 plan offer.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @darthvaper69,

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems activating your inclusive extra.

Did the team mention what they are doing to resolve the issue? Did they raise a support ticket?



Update: Spoke to UK call centre this morning with every intention of cancelling after the advise/service I received yesterday. The kind lady could see the issue (whereas last night they couldn't?) and could see I was entitled to the addon (whereas last night they couldnt?) and although she couldn't add it directly via the free addon (which she couldnt understand why), she added it as a paid addon and applied a credit each month (which they couldnt last night?).

My advise for anyone else having this issue would be try to get through to the UK call centre who seem to be able to help where nobody else can.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Thanks for the update, @darthvaper69 

I'm glad they were able to get you setup.


Yep. Exactly the same issue. Been through this twice on two different 30 day packages. Currently on the same one as you but looks like they're going to charge me £20 pm for TNT even though it was clearly advertised as being part of the package and the sales rep i spoke to one the phone was sure it would be applied as an inclusive extra. 

My guess is that they aren't technically allowing TNT sports for people on 30 day contracts. but they just haven't ammended the package information on their websites, thus misleading people into taking the packages. And unhelpfully, I don't think the call centre staff know anything about this. 

Need to follow this up now. Part of me dreading another several hours explaining this several times. 

Thanks for your post.