

 Fake ??









@EE Hi I hope to try to contact or let someone know of this urgent and incredibly shocking incident.


On the 30th of January 2024 at 2:16pm I had a phone call from a number 020 3984 7410 ! They stated they were from EE and a woman said that they were offering me 30% of my next bill.  She also said about a loyalty pamper! They then said that they need security information. They had my mobile number, address, email that’s connected to my account and phone make/model. She also knew that my phone contract was due to be renewed and also asked about my job and even asked if I lived at the location they said I had. The women then transferred me to here manager.

He then said they needed to take me through the security system to be able to get the 40% discount… Because my email was connect to a different phone I was not able to tell them the security code. They stated they needed that code from that email and I said I could not as I did not have the phone on me! I then said to them that they had just sent me an email to the other Email connect to my main phone. So why could they not sent it to that one! They said they needed to add the discount to my account that’s connected to the email they can see. After being a bit standoffish they said you can tell me your bank details so we can sort it. I said to them why do you need my bank. They said if you could give the email we won’t need too. I again told them I can’t as I don’t have the email or bank card. He then said well I can ring you back tomorrow (31st January 2024) at 1pm. 

All of the information they said has absolutely shocked me! How did they have all of my information and what’s even worse is I’m in a secure housing facility where my location by law needs to be protected from previous predators!!! How can someone have all my information.. I also get plenty of phone calls and emails from EE so this sees normal and typical but surely this is not right? 

The emails look real to typical EE.. Fake?- Real?- Both emails also have the exact same legal bit at the bottom! The only difference is the pin the (fake) is 6 digits and says about changing the passcode. The other is 4 digits and that’s it! 

I hope to get this resolved/ hear back from here! But plan to either go into a store or ring up EEs proper number! 

EE Community Support Team

Morning @Chelsea241 

Thanks for coming to the community and letting us know. 

Please call us on 150 this morning to get the call looked into, our mobile guides can check the account and help you further. 

Please let me know how you get on. 
