Hi Everyone,
Are you worried about, when that day comes, when you give your child their first Smartphone? Are you concerned that they may not have the skills to protect themselves online? Are you struggling to understand what you can do to teach them how to stay safe online?
I think these questions are probably something all of us parents have pondered at some point, I know that these are concerns that I share. My eldest Son, Cillian will be turning 10 years old early next year and he is chomping at the bit, to get his hands on his very own Smartphone, truth be told, a lot of his buddies have had a phone for quite some time, so he feels he is missing out. We agreed that when he turns 10, he could have one.
I don’t want him to feel like he is the odd one out, but I also want to protect him from all the nasties that the online world can bring. I want him to have the skills to understand what online hate is, the devastating impact this can have on others and how he can handle it. I want him to understand the impact of what too much 'phone time' can have on his well-being. I want peace of mind that he understands how to stay safe online and understand that everything he sees and reads on the internet is not necessarily true, we have all seen the rise in fake news and the impact this can and continues to have on society.
Where do I begin?
Introducing the PhoneSmart licence!

I was speaking with one of my colleagues recently and he let me know about a new initiative that has been developed by EE in collaboration with child education and internet experts 'Internet Matters' and consulted with our advisory group (We are Futures, Home-Smart, Anti-Bullying Alliance, Childnet and BBC Own It).
Four online courses have been created to teach our younger generation how to better protect themselves online. We all know the good that can be done with a Smartphone with an internet connection, but these courses will also educate your child on the dark side of using a Smartphone. We’ve also collated some of the best online resources for parents, so to help you have the conversation with your young ones.
![Phonesmart_Hero KV[8].png Phonesmart_Hero KV[8].png](/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/20161i94D477A418BCF58F/image-size/large?v=v2&px=999)
The newly launched website has two sections, one for us (parents) and one for our children. If your child completes the 5 modules, they will be awarded a PhoneSmart licence, the courses are fun and interactive which should keep them engaged.
You do not have to be an EE customer to sign your child up for the PhoneSmart licence, anybody can take part, so please spread the word. To discover more about the PhoneSmart licence and to sign up please visit this website, EE PhoneSmart licence
Personally speaking, I think this is a great campaign and I will be putting Cillian through all these modules when the time comes. Of course, I will still worry about protecting him online and I think that will always be the case, but this will give me some peace of mind that he knows what to look out for.
What does everyone think?
I would be very interested in hearing from you parents who take your children through these courses, so if you have tried them, please let me know what you think?
Good luck and stay safe!