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Re: Can I gift data from my EE account to my daughters Vodafone account ?


Too bad …

Grand Master
Grand Master

@ciprian969   Too bad,  why was this something you wanted to do ?  EE and Voda are two separate networks so why would EE even allow this and Voda wouldn’t be to happy about it also.   


Hi @ciprian969 


EE & Vodafone are not just different networks, but totally different companies and competitors.


EE would see data gifting as an incentive for users of other networks to move their service.

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

I'm also on a Vodafone Business account can someone gift me some Petrol please. 🙂

I’m sure these companies completely despise each other, because they’re competitors, and so (must) do their customers. Everyone would find it appalling to be able to share data between networks, and I’m sure even the daughter mentioned above would probably consider disavowing her own mother before accepting such an atrocity…

This is basically the equivalent of saying that we are not at all connected… EE, Three, Vodafone, etc. are completely different planets..right?
Now before you succumb to the urge of another quick reply, just try take some time (the longer, the better) and think about how this (data sharing) can actually be a win (financially) for everyone involved. 🙂


@ciprian969   LMAO.   So you think that purchasing data on one network to be used on a different network is a good business model for the network receiving that data.    


 Yep that how you make money. 

 For the love of god do not start up your own business.