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Entertainment Pass with Unlimited Data



I've just signed up to the unlimited plan with 3 smart benefits as I'm planning to do a fair bit of travelling in Europe next year. I was hoping that the benefits would give me 50GB of fair usage data (with the roaming pass), unlimited music/video (with the entertainment pass), and save me £7 a month on Netflix.

I didn't see the entertainment pass in the checkout - I'm assuming because unlimited music/video doesn't make sense on an unlimited plan. However, it is very useful when you have a 50GB fair usage cap. Does anyone know if this can be manually added to my account? 


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Community Hero

Hello @David297 ,

Welcome to the community,

You do realise the rules now change when going around Europe?

I would suggest you take a look at the link above.

There is the roam further pass, but there is no entertainment pass, to my knowledge, never has been, but if you can use wifi, then I would suggest using that, should help.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.


You can use the Entertainment Data Pass in the UK and anywhere your plan allows for inclusive roaming which means you can use the pass in all EU member countries.

Responses from other threads have confirmed that watching videos will not eat into your fair usage allowance. This was one of the biggest selling points for me since I only use streaming services to watch TV/movies.