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Web site and app is so poor, never works, (This service isn’t working right now)


I change to EE over two months ago from BT the network is brilliant the broadband is brilliant but the app and the website is diabolical

It's pathetic

Please don't tell me to call the service centre because a lot of people online are saying the same thing why don't you just fix it instead of telling people to call the helpline.

This is what you get on most areas of it a quarter of this website works and the app but you get this on the rest of it.

This service isn’t working right now

Come on guys you claim to be the best do something about it and prove that you are the best cause at the moment you're definitely not the best



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Mindiawl   It’s the EE network that’s gets that awarded the best by RootMetrics and it’s not EE giving it to  themselves.  Your account isn’t apart of that.    Any account issue will mean a call to customer services. 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Mindiawl This is not customer service, but a public forum, so any account issues, you will have to ring customer service.

Both the app and website work for most customer service, customer service may need to refresh your account and then it should work, as it certainly does work. 

What were you trying to do or which service were you trying to look at when this happened to you?

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.


It could be better. C'mon let's be honest.. it could be a lot better. 

You cannot deny the app is a dog's dinner of spaghetti code loops & errors. I'd say it's 80% functional - 50% of which is marketing plastering every other screen...or is it a window..? a page..? Hmm.

Is it an app..? No it's browser based.. wait, no. It's an app, it's even suggesting I install the app..! ..wait I'm already on the app aren't I..? I guess not, it's redirecting me to the app store, so it must be a webpage..! But I have it installed, what was the uh, why...ok.. that doesn't make any sense. Why was I here again..? Yeah.. my account.

Wait a minute... I already have the app, this is definitely it. I just launched it...and what's this..? Why is it offering me "mega deals" on a phone I already have..? Am I logged out..? Nope, I'm logged in. I just want to view my account please. Let's go back...awww error...! Guess I'll start over. Hey look..!! I finally navigated to my Account page..!! Let me just press this button... one moment..!! Wait.. what's this..? Awesome new deals to salivate on... whilst the next deal is waiting to be inserted into my subconscious...not again...FFFFF! I'm back in the store...wth!?..

Broadband giga mega super speed ultra deals..!!! How about a new tablet..? TV subscription..? Add-ons..? Extra data..? Extra phones..? Extra contracts..? Big Sims, small Sims, fat Sims, great Sims..!? Sims for your mate.. Sims for your neighbour.. Sims for your milkman... Infact here's a Sim deal just for navigating to this page..!! Want to save even more two..!! Don't forget to checkout these other deals on your journey through space and time..!! See you again soon.. when our vomit inducing browser app monstrosity throws an error page 😄

It's a dizzying glorified advertising honey pot masquerading as an app. The limited functionality is quite laughable. It's literally an insanity feedback loop...with the unmistakably hot stench of a mouth breathing marketing team of knuckle draggers.

Oh yeah, did I mention it's in what seems like an embedded browser - it's like a living nightmare... flashbacks of online tech support from 25 years ago. It has basic account level functionality. It's unintuitive, clunky and error prone.

But hey.. after you've spent an hour rapidly losing your mind, your will to live, with no real answers along with the feeling of crushing helplessness and defeat.. just call 150..

Hello @LordDick ,

Welcome to the community,

Have you been able to log-in to your account today? Nighttime is when maintenance is done, so that could be why you were unable to log-in.

In the app, click on manage and then bills and payments, you can then download your bill, you can also click on plans and subscriptions and orders, depending what you want to look at, but you need to make sure you also have the latest app, or you can log-in via the website, and if you are wanting to look at broadband you can do it from the main page.

There is nothing wrong with the app, it works just fine and why should they not have marketing on there, suggesting upgrade etc, you do not need to click on it.

I am sure most companies do this.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.

Broadband bills & payments section





Mobile bills & payments 




Plans & Subscriptions




hey have all been like this since day 1 2 months ago

There is something wrong with the app I'm afraid. Not only the app, but the website as well. There are a fair few messages posted about it if you want to take a look. 

I changed over from BT a few months ago and haven't had a problem until today. I am unable at this moment to pay my bill. I havent changed anything on my account. CS tried various solutions with me but nothing works so it has been flagged.