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Re: EE Contracts are just not sustainable anymore


I was a customer for 25 years (since they were Orange)  and after all those years, it was no longer cost effective for me to stay with them. Their service is good but now WiFi is everywhere there’s simply no need to have perfect signal all the time and this is no longer a selling point unless one lives in the boondocks with no WiFi. The same phone with more data and better perks, is available for drastically less on other networks. Since I switched 3 months ago, I have zero regrets and wish I’d done it sooner and got a newer phone instead of downgrading my plan and sticking with EE. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

WiFi is a complementary radio bearer to the mobile network, there is a place for both. It's also not a good idea to rely on free, unsecured public WiFi for any secure activity - mobile coverage will always be preferable.

EE have never claimed to be the cheapest network, if price is a major motivation there are cheaper options on the market. Those options may not provide the most reliable network service, which does come with some price implications.

In short - you pays your money and takes your choice.


EE/BT are very, very expensive and are relying on brand loyalty of  mainly older folk who

dont realise what is out there and also think its a hassle to move when it isnt......I can get 900 broadband for £29 per month - ill be running from BT at end of contract,

and will probably depart from EE mobile to Lebara too....ive been using a second sim (lebara) for months at a fraction of the

cost, and its been perfect, literally no difference to the EE sim......I guess enough people are paying the inflated prices that EE/BT charge as they continue to charge them.

As an aside my mate in Italy gets 2.6 speed broadband for 21 euro per month...We really do get taken for a ride here....Lower disposable incomes and pay much, much more for a range of services/utilities...


rant over...

He at no point said he is relying on free wifi. He is saying that suppliers are everywhere and by and large connectivity and reliability is similar across the board, whether they are piggy backing, or not.

It is.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Lebara use Vodafone, not EE. All 4 networks vary substantially in coverage & performance.

My points are directed at mobile provision, not fixed-line broadband.

Thank you. I didn’t say or even imply it. These EE butt kissers are at least amusing with their responses. I’ve left because there’s a cost of living crisis and after 25 years of being a customer, I no longer feel it’s worth my hard earned. There’s no loyalty and as someone else said above, they do seem to be relying on older, longer term customers. My entire family used to live in a small village where the only available network was Orange. We have all slowly moved away from them now that most networks work there perfectly fine. These EE diehards can’t let go and that’s fine. There’s lots of people who are.