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EE tv skilk on alexa.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I on the Alexa app that there is a EE Tv skill but when I go to lunch it it asks me to go on to the settings on my tv box but the place on the tv box is not there so now do I get the EE Tv alexa skill work with my EE Tv box?

EE Employee

It's currently only available on older TV boxes - it may become available on the TV Box Pro and TV Box Mini in the future, but there's no current ETA.

It was only very basic anyway, so you're not missing out on anything.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Oh ok and there is two TV services on the Alexa app that doesn't work and they are youview and BT TV as YouView I think made my BT TV box as it comes up saying YouView and the world EE TV has been up on my screen and there is BT TV on the alexa app and they both dont work as well.