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Increase in charged


I have a sim only card and EE have doubled my payments without any agreement from me (or not that I am unaware) it looks like my contract has ended and they have just started a new one, no email or phone call.  Can they do this? It has gone from £10.54 to over£20. This is a massive increase

Grand Master
Grand Master

@JRCroxford  Was that sim only a discounted tariff?  If it was it’s possible now it’s out of contract the discount has been removed.   It would be best to call customer services about this.    But check your bill breakdown just in incase you have any out of allowance charges. 

Phoned EE an explained I was not happy with a 100% increase and no
notification. My contract had run out so the lady said as I had been a
customer for a long time she would see what she could do and get it as
cheap as possible for me. I am amazed after her calculations discounting
for various things she offered me it at £8 a month. My GB was reduced from
2 to 1 (I don’t use much every month) but I get 5 added on because I have
EE Broadband, so no problem. Thank you EE result!
EE Community Support Team

Thanks for coming back and letting us know @JRCroxford 

Glad to hear this has been sorted for you 🙂


@JRCroxford  Always be aware when your contract minimum term is,  it’s not EEs job to inform you off this and it does state when this date is on your EE account.

Lesson learned!