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Lan ports don't seem to work on new SH31B smart hub



Is there a trick to getting the Lan (Ethernet) ports to work on the smart hub? I just got fibre today, WiFi is good.

The cables and the rest of it work when plugin into the virgin media router, so it isn't that. 

No lights on the connections, and admin tool says nothing it connected.

Any ideas?



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@NewEeUser123   what is it you are trying to connect?

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@NewEeUser123 The Smarthub+ does not have any led status indicators on any off the lan ports so you cannot tell if operating by that method. If you log into the web interface you can see the status of the lan port there.

Find one device that works ie, laptop and plug into one port at a time, and see operation, unless all the ports are bad?



Trying to connect a TV, another Netgear router, switch (console). I know they work, as they are ok plugged back into the other provider.

Didn't see there was no lights, grrr... The admin portal just says nothing is connected. Wondered if there was maybe a step to turn them on..

All a bit odd



Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@NewEeUser123 No method of enable or disable lan ports as far as i know, as this is a new hub how are you connected, fttp or fttc to the internet, is that working, has the hub updated to the latest FW? are you just using wireless device to get the hub status. No laptop/pc with ethernet port that you can plug in, does the switch or router that you put onto the Superhub+ have led's on there ports that you can look at. Anything would be helpful, you may have got a bad hub with faulty ports. Web interface does take a little time when you first connect before it does show port connection. 


So... I think I just didn't give it enough time. I turned the Netgear router I had connected on one of the port off and on, and now all the devices have started appearing

A combination of being too impatient and not restarting/kicking all the devices to re-establish their IP/connections

Phew... Was worried it was a broken box



@NewEeUser123   glad you got things sorted.

Do let us know if there is anything people can help with..

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@NewEeUser123 Glad its all beginning to work out for you now. Welcome to EE and see that you are moving from virgin.

The router Superhub+ has some +and- points, its got reasonable wi-fi signal, little slow on getting up but once there not bad, very restricted web/app interface, stopping people messing about with it so can't blame EE for that. And you cannot compare to virgin it's no were like there hub, so keep it in mind especially when you have a second router hanging of it.