
I have a £2 per day addon on my contract, for roaming B-road  how do I activate it?

there is currently a £zero spend cap on my account is this anything to do with it. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Neilc2

Thanks for coming here. 

Are you abroad at the moment? 

If so, did you text ROAMING to 150 before travelling abroad? 


Hi Yes I’m abroad atm and I know about the £10 per month payment , I’m just confused about the £2 per day ADD ON which is part of my plan.
As I can’t use my phone at all unless on WIFI.
Sent from my iPhone

@Neilc2   Did you activate roaming on your EE account before you left the UK ?  The £2 roaming add on it’s just a free add  on and it means you’ll be charged £2 per day to use your allowances.( the add on is only free to have not use ) But if you purchase the £10 roam further add on you’ll not be charged the £2 per day daily usage charge.    It all comes down to how long are you out of the UK for.  If it’s a couple of days the £10 add on is going to cost you more and just using the £2 daily charge will be cheaper.   

 But you need roaming enabled on your account first as add ons don’t enable roaming there just add ons to keep costs down when abroad.