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One of the sales representatives call me that he is calling from EE business and he have all my details how many devices I have how many numbers I have with EE and ask me if I want to update my account from personal to small business. If I will update my bill will be reduced by GBP150 and one of my device will be paid off and then I received email from So asked that how come you send me email from They said we are business partner of EE and dealing with corporate clients of EE.. I disconnect with sales person and call 150 and asked about company. I have no idea how they do it but from other side the lady told me on 150 that yes they are partners with us. I got assured that I am talking with right person. They got assessed my account and transferred my number. When I got access of the new dashboard show EE esansials. I reported this to EE fraud department and action fraud so please be careful never agreed on any call.

EE Community Support Team

Welcome to the community, @Monay are a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), who are partnered with BT Wholesale. They have their own customer base that use the EE mobile network. 

If you would like to upgrade directly with EE, you can do so through your EE Online account.
